商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:fafa204.qy6.com 供应Cobar 390RX-HT助焊剂_苏州贝俊轮商贸有限公司
联系人: 先生 (销售)
电 话:0512-67570772
手 机:13451738596


供应Cobar 390RX-HT助焊剂


    Description product

390-RX-HT is an alcohol based flux for wave soldering applications under (partly) N2 atmosphere. This

flux offers highest ionic and optical cleanliness and provides outstanding soldering results for use in hightech

and industrial applications.

390-RX-HT is Resin based and is classified according IPC-J-STD-004 as REL0. The product is halide and

halogen free

See the Product Data Sheet (PDS) for the specification of the product concerned. Read the Safety Data

Sheet (SDS) before handling and/or using this product.

Receiving and storage

Store unopened cans in an explosion free storage preferable at a temperature below 20 °C or normal

ambient temperature. Fluxes are shelf-life items and should therefore be handled as FIFO supply

DO NOT: Expose to heat or frost

DO NOT: store the flux at temperatures below 4 °C

DO NOT: exceed storage temperatures above 30 °C.

Flux that has been exposed to frost should be placed in a room with central heating for at least 4 hours

and shaken before use.


The recommended ambient conditions for applying the flux are 18-25 oC.

Prior to using the flux, tank, spray nozzle, fingers, pallets/carriers and tubes should be cleaned properly. If

pneumatic air is used to apply the flux, the air must be dry, free of oil and temperature controlled. A water

and oil separator for the supplied air is strictly necessary.

It is important to start with components and board materials that meet requirements for solderability and

ionic cleanliness.

DO NOT: mix the flux with other fluxes

DO NOT: leave the flux can opened when remainder flux is still in the can.

DO NOT: utilize the flux in the fluxing system before flushing the tubing with IPA

先生 (销售)  
电  话: 0512-67570772
传  真:
移动电话: 13451738596
公司地址: 中国江苏苏州市北环东路60-82号
邮  编:
公司主页: http://fafa204.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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苏州贝俊轮商贸有限公司 公司地址:中国江苏苏州市北环东路60-82号
先生 (销售) 电话:0512-67570772 传真:
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