商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:fafa204.qy6.com 供应Interflux PACIFIC 2009M水基型助焊剂_苏州贝俊轮商贸有限公司
联系人: 先生 (销售)
电 话:0512-67570772
手 机:13451738596


供应Interflux PACIFIC 2009M水基型助焊剂


    The Interflux PacIFic 2009M is an environmental friendly flux especially developed without the use of any volatile organic compounds. The flux does not contain any halides, neither rosins nor resins. The absence of rosin and resin will give very low ICT contact problem faults.Interflux PacIFic 2009M has very good wetting capacity and excellent soldering on all popular board finishes. It is suitable for soldering with normal SnPb and leadfree alloys and for components and PCB-finishes with critical solderability. Interflux PacIFic 2009M allows a changeover from alcohol based fluxes to water based fluxes with absolutely no disadvantage

先生 (销售)  
电  话: 0512-67570772
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移动电话: 13451738596
公司地址: 中国江苏苏州市北环东路60-82号
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公司主页: http://fafa204.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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苏州贝俊轮商贸有限公司 公司地址:中国江苏苏州市北环东路60-82号
先生 (销售) 电话:0512-67570772 传真:
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