Interflux PacIFic 2009MLF-E is developed to combine low residue levels with minimal micro solder ball formation. It is an optimized version of the interflux PacIFic 2009MLF. Conventional VOC-free fluxes may give more solder balling than alcohol based fluxes on micro ball sensitive solder masks.interflux PacIFic 2009MLF-E reduces micro solder balling on these solder masks. The flux will leave less residue after soldering, while maintaining its micro solder ball reducing properties.Interflux PacIFic 2009MLF-E is absolutely halogen free. The flux allows a change over from alcohol based fluxes to water based fluxes with absolutely no disadvantages. Interflux PacIFic 2009MLF-E is perfectly suitable for lead-free soldering and is typically applied by sprayfluxing |